Our Business Fields
Our companies FS DZAYER, created in Algeria, offer with our prestigious partners, world leaders in their fields, services , supplies for the plastics industry, peripherals and advanced equipment that are economical in terms of electrical energy consumption, reliable and efficient intended for the following industrial fields:
- Injecting, blowing, extruding and recycling plastics.
- Bottling and packaging of liquids, food and any other product.
- Industrial services.
Our Products
Our Services:
Thanks to the expertise acquired by our multidisciplinary teams, we offer services that support our clients needs during the different phases of their projects with a responsible and indisputable commitment.
We offer « E.P.C.C solutions ».
Our Selection
Our partners
Publié : 03/01/2023
FS MAROC et FS FREEZONE À Plast expo, MarocFS MAROC et FS FREEZONE seront présentes pour vous accueillir tout au long du salon Plast expo du 07 au 10 Juin 2023 au Parc d'exposition Mohammed VI El Jadida - Maroc.
Publié : 03/01/2023
FLUIDES SERVICES À Plastic Expo 2023, TunisieFLUIDES SERVICES et ses filiales FS DZAYER et FS MAROC seront présentes pour vous accueillir tout au long du salon PlasticExpo du 13 au 16 Juin 2023 au Parc des Exposition du Kram, Tunis - Tunisie.